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Daegni Name: Llothronidiel Rowannore Common Name: Loth Nicknames: Flower Lily Sweetheart Species: Daegni, High Court Spring Sub Species: Gleaming, German Long Hair Pointer Rarities: Overgrowth Age: 200 Gender: Female |
Orientation: Straight as a whistle, but she definitely prefers with dealing with crops vs men. Marital Status: Single, but not ready to mingle Career: Leader of Spring Court Hobbies: Studying plants and soil. Traveling amongst Terra Realm to discover more. Aka Botanist Alignment: Neutral Residence: Feywild, Daegni City |
Height: 6'0" Weight: 180 Lbs Top Coat: Dark Purple Bottom Coat: Bright Orange Mane: Dark Purple fading into light purple tips. Flowers: Tiger Lily Faelight: Orange Antennae: Bright Orange Ears: Dark purple to tigerlily colored tips. Items: |
Eyes: Purple Face: Typical Canine face Body: Thick curvaceous frame, slightly heavyset Piercings: Nipple Chain with orchid blooms accented in silver and pink. Wings: Dragonfly orange Crystals: Lavender white tipped decorated in four patches throughout her body. Tail: Orange with dark purple tip Ankle Fetlocks: Orange with tiger Lily tips. |
Religion: Mental Illnesses: None Personality: Kind, Sweet, Generous, Big Hearted. Likes: Funny people, laid back people. Relaxation. Plants and foilage. Traveling. Loves: Spending time in the woods is her favorite past time. Hates: People who are in a hurry, stuck up people. Dislikes: Hateful, racism, sexism....any of that negative stuff. |
Fears: Fire, Storms. Strengths: Fearless for the most part, Loyal, Compassionate. Weaknesses: Too giving, Too Trusting. Languages: Quenya, Common, Floral |